silent hugs
thank you for being my pillars of support this past week...especially the past few days.
thank yous to everybody for turning up everyday after an exhausting day of work.
thank you for bothering to come and help out even though you guys probably have a million other things that need to be done.
thank you for staying till late just in case i needed the company.
thank you for being so capable at entertaining yourselves cos that eases my burdens.
thank you for crying with me.
thank you for hiding it and giving me courage and strength.
thank you for giving up ur seats tho your feet might've been dying.
thank you for bringing me yummy things and trying to make me eat.
thank you for tolerating trigger happy uncle.
thank you for looking out for me.
thank you for being there when it happened.
thank you for caring for me & my family.
there're so many other 'thank yous' that i have to say & they will come in time, i promise. & i noe that for alittle while longer i'll need taking care of. thank you in advance for nagging & your patience.
i have so much to say about my marmy. i dont noe where to start & i guess my list wont see an end cos everyday i remm alittle bit more. i have regrets & "if onlys". at the sametime, i noe she wouldnt want any of them. my marmy would just want me to be happy, to be strong, to be my dad's crutch, to learn from her. all of which i noe i will, must, fulfill jus cos she deserves that at the very least. this little bit doesnt even begin to describe the awesome-ness of my mom but i believe you noe that.
thank you for your presence because it shows me that she meant something to my friends and she too touched their lives even tho it might've been a brief encounter.
my marmy was jus that amazing la.