belle du jour
Monday, December 26
  boxers unite

am sooo dreading going back to work after the 5 day break i've had..
its not like i have to deal with an overflowing inbox or
emails being bounced back cause my mailbox is full...
neither is it the early mornings cos im up at that time anyways.
mayb it's my too ah-lian/aunty colleagues
or the way time crawls for those 10 hrs..
or the fact that the internet doesn't lemme access anything.
or the fact that i want to be somewhere else.

in the last week, i've seen all my beloved aunties
& uncles & cousins more often than in the last 3 yrs put together...
which is great cause it totally lifts my mom's spirits & makes her smile..
even aunties from denmark and florida will finally be meeting each other
after 10yrs??
oh no doubt, the noise levels will rise significantly.
but i miss those times when i was 9 (or smthing) &
i saw our relatives every weekend.
this weekend i wondered why as we grew
up we saw less & less of each other.

it felt weird that i was taking down my cousin's mobile numbers
and arranging family meetings with them rather than the adults.
felt weird that i was telling my cousins to bring their parents along..
Wednesday, December 14
  jet lag
i feel like im jet lagged again.
like im in a different time zone from my body.
the rest of me (most of it) only kicks in around

(& promptly falls asleep again @ 2pm...after lunch la)
so i really can't be up by 7:25am laarrhh...

ALTHO im pushing to have that moved to 7:55am

IF only i can convince my dad to pay $2.50 everyday =/
(2.50 = +30mins of sleeep!!!!)
i mean, if i leave home at 7:45 jus to beat the friggin ERP, im in the office by 8:05.
earlier than everybody else not counting cleaning aunty.
& im super sleep deprived & grumpy.

it's not like i sleep late u noe, i get about 7hrs/night..
how on earth did i get thru sec sch & jc on 5hrs/night??

wanto sleeep..
Tuesday, December 13
oh wait.

it's friday now, not wednesday :P
not phuture i hope.
momo? dbl o?

where ah?
Monday, December 12
  virgin post
it's me from the office!!! :)
finally got my computer & then my internet connection. yeay.
anyways, brief update,
colleagues are nice & friendly, middle aged, all female.
department im in, is incharge of recruitment & payroll & miscellaneous things.
dunno if it's jus this department, but they're super tight!
as in always organizing bbqs & hanging out together after work etc etc.
it's quite nice la.
tho for some reason they think im this super straight laced girl,
with fairly strict parents.

in other news:
as of saturday, i had new computer & wireless at home (thank you singnet! :) )
now i can surf from the comfort of my bed!! i noe most of my friends have been on wireless for dunno how long already.
for this Ng household, it's taken a While.
this is a milestone.

:P have been shopping online, trying not to spend my pay before it comes..haha
need to get christmas presents & buy new year clothes!
so peeps are we having any parties har? ideas?

oh! & mambo on wed??

can't believe Christmas is here again.

Thursday, December 1
  with a vengence
my "serious-work-clothes" stocktake.
these i acquired (grudgingly) in past month:

2 pairs of shoes.
2 jackets.
3 skirts.
4 pairs of pants.
7 shirts.

i didnt think i'd have to go shopping & do the "constantly remind self:
'look for work clothes! stop getting distracted!!'" thing yet.
only internship wad.
alas, it's happened.
am still always on the look out for nice jackets & shoes. oh but i do need a new bag *wink wink* possibly the most delightful of all things to acquire 'for internship'.

& jackets are so expensiveee!!! plus half of them look the same.
no one really notices the buttons or pockets or stitching anyways.
not unless it's really special la.
but i have learnt.
(i quote my mother) "a good fit is very important!!"

oh well. wanto go shopping for casual.comfy.things.soon.

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