yes jo ;)
i knew there was a reason why i had sucha strong urge to take half the day off today.& it was well worth it. :) interesting but not fabulous tiramisu. & a good movie, even tho it was for acompletely (kindda) different reason from jacq & angel's "i love woody allen films":)on the way back, the cabby said something that was kindda weird."if you ask me to u-turn u must have reason oneso i also won't ask you why."maybe i was reading into it, and trying to make it applicable to my life.i wondered if he applied it to every facet of his life maybe i should do the same. in any case, what kindda cabby says this kindda thing??
he's supposed to tell me off for making
him swerve across 3 lanes and asking him to make an illegal u-turn
at the last minute..
& why do we have this innate and seeminglyinsatiable need to conquer all?? why do we have the need to continually affirmthat what we want we get?abit arrogant huh..& when does this end?
i noe you've been extra patient and understanding.
& it's jus so i'll be happy, even at your expense.
cause you always said you'll "do anything that makes me happy"
& you won't even ask why.